August 13



August 13th day, Saturday, was against Kaunas.  We visited there earlier where we got caught in the rain and we visited the Demon museum.

The game went well, and we won 9-3.  We went out for some great pizza after. 

Unfortunately, the Alausyne resort had rented the cabin rooms out for Saturday, so we had to move to another place just for the one night.  Utena is a fairly small town and doesn't have hotels, it's mostly small guest houses on the lake.  We ended up staying just that one night in a boarding school dorm down the hall.  It was clean, but with bare cement floors that echoed, and the old baths down the hall with lots of stains in the sink bowls from the hard water it was creepy.  You could hear any footstep in the halls, and with the thin walls you could easily hear anything going on in the next room.  Although it was quite safe, it was spooky, and the boys admitted to each other that they were keeping their baseball bats handy.

To make matters worse they started telling ghost stories in their rooms!!  All it took was an OOOOOoooohhhhh to have them saying "what's that, ssshhhh, did you hear that?"  Then, Frank comes down the hall in the near dark with a catchers mask on and baseball bat in hand.  AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Next morning the wake-up call was a loud, spooky laugh echoing through the halls at 7:30.  Then, off to a breakfast of fried eggs, bread, cheese, yogurt, and cold ham slices.



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