RRC Distributor



The distributor in your Range Rover classic is like an analog computer.  It's the brains that makes sure that the spark reaches each cylinder at precisely the right time for any given speed and load.  Get there too early and you can have pre-ignition, or knocking.  Get there too late and you lose fuel economy and power.  Timing that is early can also lead to engine overheating, or if it's late it can lead to cherry red exhaust manifolds and burned valves. 

In addition to the rust problem, the distributor springs can break and the vacuum advance can spring a leak.  Another very common problem with these is self-inflicted.  When removing a sticky rotor, it's possible that the "top hat" that holds the two moving shafts together can snap. 

If you have a Range Rover "Classic" with a regular distributor, there's a good chance that the distributor advance will become frozen some day.   If you off-road in the wet or wash your engine regularly, even more moisture will get into the distributor housing.  Even here in the relatively dry So. CA deserts mine locked up and the only symptom was a loss in fuel mileage and a slight loss in power.

Yep, there are all sorts of possible problems that can occur.  To the first timer the thought of trying a home brew rebuild can be intimidating. Not to fear, pulling and rebuilding the distributor isn't as difficult as it seams.

To Be Continued........

Parts issues.


Vacuum advance.

Mechanical Advance

Pulling the dist.  (alignment marks, etc.)

The rebuild

Re-installing the dist.



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Last modified: November 07, 2005